
1. Name, Domicile, Law, and Financial Year
The Association bears the name “The Association of Iranian Banks in Europe” and will receive, after the registration into the association register, the addition e.V. The AIBE is a non-profit organisation. The Association’s registered office is headquartered in Frankfurt am Main. It is an Association subject to German law. The financial year is the calendar year.

2. Purpose and Field of Activity
The aim of the AIBE is to strengthen and to boost Iran’s banking relationship in Europe as well as to support international finance and banking business between Europe and Iran. Moreover, the AIBE supports the interests of the Iranian banks in Europe concerning all matters towards other commercial banks / financial institutions and their associations in Europe as well as the banking supervisory authorities and central banks.

  • Strategic Goals:
    Regular exchange of information and ideas with banking associations and relevant supervisory and other authorities across Europe.
  • Reinstate and promote the historic Iranian banking and trade relationship with the European banks and trade partners.
  • Promote constructive communications between Iranian banks in Europe and Iranian and European banks through regular meetings, delegates visits and banking forums.
  • Share Iran’s market information and potential business opportunities with industries, banking and business communities across Europe.
  • Identify member needs and expectations in order to enhance membership values.
  • Support professional training of Iranian bankers.

3. Association’s Funds
The funds at the Association’s disposal, including any surpluses, may be used only for the purposes stated in the Bylaws.
The Association may allocate part or all of its funds to reserves and use them at a later stage for purposes in line with the Bylaws.

4. Membership
Members of the Association are:

  • Regular Members: Representatives of Iranian banks as representative offices,The Executive Board branches, subsidiaries and independent Iranian banks.
  • Extraordinary members: Companies and Institutions, which have an interest to promote the Association’s objectives.
  • Natural persons, who have an interest to promote the Association’s objectives.
  • They do not have voting rights in General Meetings. The Founding Members are excluded from this regulation. Persons who have rendered outstanding services to the Association may, at the proposal of the Executive Board, be appointed as honorary members by the General Meeting. Such members enjoy all the rights of full members but do not pay any membership fees.

5. Admission of Members
The admission of members is granted by the Executive Board on the basis of a written application. See Item10, Item 5.

6. Termination of Membership
Membership expires upon written resignation, death of natural persons or expulsion. Resignation is possible only at the end of a financial year.
A statement to this effect must be made to the Executive Board by registered post at the latest by 30 June of the financial year at the end of which the resignation is to take effect.
The expulsion of a member is declared by the Executive Board if the latter, after due consideration and for good reason, considers continued membership of the AIBE member concerned to be no longer acceptable, particularly because of defamatory conduct. Reasons for expulsion always exist if, despite being requested three times, a member fails to fulfil his/her obligations to the Association. Expelled members may not ask about reasons for the expulsion.

7. Membership Fees
Membership fees are determined by the General Meeting and laid down in a schedule of fees.

8. Governing Bodies of the Association
The governing bodies of the Association are:
1. the Executive Board
2. the General Meeting

9. Executive Board
The Executive Board of the Association consists of minimum 3 members.
The Executive Board is elected by the General Meeting for a term of 5 years. Re-election shall be possible. The Executive Board elects the office-holders amongst its members for 1 year. Office-holders are the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman. Re-election shall be possible. The authority of a once elected Executive Board remains in force until a new Executive Board is elected by the members. The Chairman and the Vice-Chairman represent together the Association judicially and extra judicially. They are the Executive Board within the meaning of section 26 BGB [German Civil Code]. Executive Board meetings are convened and chaired by the Chairman. The tenure of an Executive Board member ends on termination of membership of the Association.
Should an Executive Board member resign, leave or be voted out of office, the Executive Board may appoint a successor for the remaining tenure of the former member.

10. Competence of the Executive Board
The Executive Board runs the Association according to the Bylaws. It has the following duties in particular:

  1. preparing and convening General Meetings and posting the agenda
  2. preparing the annual report
  3. drawing up a budget and proposing an auditor
  4. executing General Meeting resolutions
  5. taking decisions on the admission and expulsion of members

Executive Board resolutions are passed by a majority of Executive Board members present. In the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote.

11. General Meeting

Ordinary and extraordinary General Meetings are convened by the Chairman – if s/he is unable, then by the Vice-Chairman. Notice of an ordinary General Meeting is sent out in writing by post or electronically, stating the venue, time and agenda and must be issued at least 14 days before the appointed day.
Requests for adding further items to the agenda must reach the Executive Board at the latest ten days before the General Meeting; they are to be included as a supplement to the agenda. Initiative motions not on the agenda may be tabled at the General Meeting, if the majority is in favour. The General Meeting has the following duties:

  1. adoption of the annual report and the report of the auditor
  2. formal approval of the Executive Board’s service
  3. fixing the Membership fees
  4. election of the Executive Board
  5. election of the auditor
  6. changes to the Bylaws
  7. appointment of honorary members

The ordinary General Meeting takes place once a year. An extraordinary General Meeting is convened if the interests of the Association so require or if 40% of the members so propose in writing with details of the issue to be discussed.

12. Resolutions of the General Meeting

The General Meeting is chaired by the Chairman; if s/he is unable, then by the Vice- Chairman; if both are unable, then by another chairperson to be determined by the Executive Board.
The General Meeting is quorate irrespective of the number of members present.
Every full member is eligible to vote and has one vote. Decisions are made by simple majority. Motions to change the Bylaws must be sent to members in text form with the invitation. Resolutions to change the Bylaws may be passed only with a three-quarters majority of the voting members present. Voting may take place in writing, if there is no objection, which must be lodged in writing.
For every General Meeting a protocol is to be prepared, which is to be signed by the Chairman and a secretary elected by the Executive Board.

13.Board of Trustees, Advisory Council, Committees
The Executive Board may, for assistance, appoint a Board of Trustees, an academic Advisory Council, and additional committees.
The Board of Trustees is composed of at least 3 members. These are appointed by the Executive Board and have tenures of three years. Reappointment is permitted. The Board of Trustees elects a chairperson amongst themselves. It shall be regularly informed by the Executive Board about the activities of the Association and its professional work. The Board of Trustees assists the Executive Board in public relations work and may propose strategies, and measures and initiate financial or social events to promote the Association’s mission. Executive Board members are entitled to take part in meetings of the Board of Trustees.
The members of the Advisory Council are recognized experts from academic disciplines. The Advisory Council submits the outcome of its research to the Executive Board and the Board of Trustees for further consultation.

14. Management
For the day-to-day running of business, the Association may set up agencies/offices and appoint managers. Such managers may be Executive Board members. Appointments are made by the Executive Board.
A manager may in agreement with the Chairman employ additional staff within the framework of a budget.

The liquidation of the Association may be decided only by General Meeting. This requires the approval of three-quarters of the voting members present. In the event of liquidation, the remaining assets will be given to the German UNICEF Deutschland committee for charitable purposes.

16. Schedule of Fees
Pursuant to section 7, the following annual Membership fees have been set by the General Meeting:

  1. Members
    Regular members Euro 5,000.- Extraordinary members Euro 10,000.-
    Natural persons Euro 500.-
  2. Honorary members are exempt from Membership fees.
    The above Membership fees are payable pro rata temporis in the calendar year of becoming a member and in full for each commenced calendar year of membership thereafter.

Frankfurt am Main

Dr. Nader Maleki

Präsident International Bankers Forum e.V.
Frankfurt am Main

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